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get more sales from existing customers - Guide My Growth

8 Strategies to get more sales from existing customers

As a business coach, one of the questions I get asked a lot is, How can I increase my sales? The businesses that ask me this are usually focused on finding ways to attract new customers. But in fact, it makes more sense to master strategies to get more sales from existing customers. Attracting new

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Streamline business operations for higher sales - Guide My Growth

Streamlined business operations lead to higher sales

A good way to increase sales is to make your business more productive and streamline areas that are wasting time and money. Can your business afford software that can automate processes? If yes, consider automation of tasks like data entry, staff scheduling, inventory management system, etc. Start by looking for solutions that can replace manual

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Strategies to double your business in 1 year | Guide My Growth

10 strategies to help double your sales

In another article, I said that it is possible to double your sales in 3 years. And then keep doing so. To achieve that, you need a vivid vision of the desired future, clear and measurable goals and a focused action plan that includes a timeline and budget. The actions that you take are of

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Little-used marketing strategies to beat competitors

5 Little-used marketing strategies to beat competitors

If not done right, marketing can be a very big expense. Especially for small business owners. However, this need not be the case. Using some creativity, you can keep your marketing expenses very low or even at zero while still maximising the results you get. In a previous article, I shared 12 highly effective and

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Highly-effective and low-cost small business marketing strategies

12 Highly effective and low-cost small business marketing strategies

You have to spend money to make money. All business owners are familiar with this saying. And it is certainly true when it comes to marketing. Marketing is a key strategy to get new customers and increase sales. But marketing expenses can quickly become very high. If your marketing leads to higher sales and profit,

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Customers who are not ready to buy - Guide My Growth

Stop wasting time on customers who are not ready to buy

One of the key things to avoid doing in business is wasting your time. Like the time you waste when you chase customers who are not ready to buy. Not only will this lead to disappointment and frustration, it is a waste of time, energy and money that could have been better spent on other

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B2B customer pain points | Guide My Growth

These B2B customer pain points help you get more business

B2B customer pain points are similar to the pain points that private customers have. If you sell B2B – meaning that you sell to other businesses – always look for problems that are causing “pain” in the customer’s business. Pain is something that people – and businesses – want to get rid of. It is

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Identify customer pain points and boost marketing results | Guide My Growth

How to identify customer pain points (and boost your marketing results)

You cannot have a successful business unless you identify customer pain points. And, knowing these pain points will help you boost your marketing results.  In a previous post, I talked about why every business needs a Unique Selling Proposition (USP). Part of creating your USP is finding out why your Most Profitable Customers buy from

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7 strategies that businesses use to determine their USP

In a previous article, I talked about how to determine your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) when you have many competitors. In other words, how do you distinguish your business when the market is saturated? But first a reminder of what a USP is and why it is important. Why is a Unique Selling Proposition important

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create a memorable USP for your business | guide-my-growth

Follow these steps to create a memorable USP for your business

If you don’t have a Unique Selling Proposition (USP), you cannot run a successful business. Your USP gives your customer a reason to choose you. It tells customers why they should buy from you instead of from your competitor. If your USP clearly distinguishes your business from your competitor’s business, it will be easy for

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